Friday, December 10, 2010

There's A Place For Us

* please listen to this song ._.
Have been noticing that people around me have found their happiness and someone to rely on.
Few days ago, my friend do received a home made sandwiches from a guy, how sweet.. and in a sudden, it reminds me about you again.. I remembered those lovely sandwiches you made for me during my foundation time. :))
Sometimes I do envy others, why are some were being treated so nicely and pampered.. It shows how ugly in me, jealousy kills..
We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, someone perfect is searching for us too.
I live, I love, I laugh, I cry, I smile.
We should always love and appreciate those who treat us right and love us. Love the special one with your true heart and appreciate every single moment you both had together.

p/s: continue even when it is hard to go on, release even when it is hard to let go, endure even when it is hard to bear: this is how we build our character.

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