Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Underneath This Smile

Everyday in my life, 
 keep reminding myself just how lucky i am, 
to be made special by people around me.

 I would love to thank those who always be with me, 
they made me felt so welcomed.
I've learn from you more,
than what you could possibly learn from me. 

You taught me life,
just by asking me questions most of the time,
and by just answering yours,
i found mine.

Most of us will only learn when we fall real,
and some doesn't even notice their fault and keep on blaming on life.
  yet carry on postponing the consequences,
that they will be facing soon without realizing,
that what they have actually done to themselves.

Different people do have different stories in life,
because we are made differently.
Each and every i found it's very study-able and learn-able,
so goes to you. 

This is how I learn my life,
and this is how you taught me well.

Many of us do complaint that,
we are not getting the best of things that we always wanted,
so badly,
  no matter how hard we try. 
 We sometimes do craved for something,
by don't really put effort in it.

By without realizing,
the actual fact that from the very beginning, 
we do chose to believe that,
that is the best we can do, 
and we have done our best and we have done everything.

But we didn't realize that,
  we are actually that close in getting what we wished for, 
but we stopped and gave up,
just right before it finally had that chance to come true.

Do you know?
that most of us who claim that our life is meaningless,
by didn't realize that we are actually living in others people's dream?
and what you are currently doing and having,
are most probably someone else s dream as well?

You see them in you,
so goes to they see you in them.
When you're so busy looking at somebody else, 
hoping to be them.
Somebody else from somewhere else,
are also busy looking at you,
hoping to have your life and be you too.

I hope this song will made your day. 
Cheers! :)

p/s: Stand up for what you believe in, even if you're standing alone.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Now and Always

God touches hearts.
Even if things doesn't go our way,
We have to understand that everything we do, 
is for Him.
And Him alone.

In order to fulfill His will, 
sometimes things just has to go the opposite way for us.
We suffer because God wants to make us stronger,
for the upcoming challenges.

What goes inside,
is a mystery no doubt.

Others may broke my heart,
but I know You won't.
You're the one who never leave me aside,
no matter how priceless and shameful am I.

When I fall You pick me up,
You are my strength when I am weak.

Lord to give up I'd be a fool.

I love you Lord.
Now and always.

p/s: Trying to catch your eye, but things will never look the same.

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Text for You

I don't always tell you what I feel,
but when I do, 
most of the time, 
what I feel and what I say,
it will never always going to be parallel.

I never really have the courage or the confidence to reveal. 

Fairy tale don't come true, 
but dreams yes!

I know I can't wait to receive text from you everyday and night,
was hoping to receive something special.

but I can't wait for you,
because waiting for you,
is like waiting for rain in this drought, 
useless and disappointing. 

I never pretend to be somebody else,
its been me all along.

I don't really care about how people think about me,
because I believe in myself,
and I know that things will be okay.

You don't have to be cool,
you don't have to be smart,
you don't have to be cute,
you don't have to be tough,
you don't need to know everything outside,
you don't have to try to be somebody.

I don't care about all these seriously,
All I want is a little care from you. 
How I wish if I'm given more attention.

Someone said that, 
You can give without loving, 
but you can never love without giving. 
True love never fails, 
people fail to truly love.

p/s: you're not the brightest crayon in the box, but you're still my favorite color.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Letter for Santa and You

*knock knock*

Owh dear Santa can you hear me?

I've been such a good girl this year.

And all I wish for is one thing.

He is all I want, just for me, underneath my Christmas tree.

I'll be waiting here. 



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Owh dear You can you hear me?

 Some said that you've changed,

maybe you're the one who didn't noticed it?

Some said that it's not worth it and try to get over you,

maybe I'm the one who believe in miracles?


Some part of your strength had became your weaknesses.  

Maybe this is how you used to be,

or maybe I don't really know you well?


Sometimes I do feel that I'm lucky to be treated special,

until I knew that actually others were also being treated the same as well.


I know I can't put the blame on you,

just to blame myself for being naive (perasan).

and all I can do is to have trust on you,

maybe I'm really the special one? :)


The winds of change, whisper in the trees.

It's all a dream, an illusion now.

And all this happens because the world has changed.

It must come true, sometimes soon somehow.



p/s: Now it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

For you, or for me?

I've just screwed up my exams, but at least I tried? 

For all these times I never try to give myself up because I have God and my parents in me.

They are the one who give me courage and strength. They are the most beautiful people in my life, always be there, for me to lean on.

You are my all in all, thank you God.

I never waste my time and chances because my life had never been easy on me. I'm not as lucky as others. I fight for what I want all by myself..

Am carrying alot of burden which others don't see..

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them..

Along the journey in my life, was hoping to get to meet a man. A man that is predestine to be a King. A man that is there for her. A man that is a man in her life..

Many people thought it is hard for a normal human being to actually find a fairy tale happy ending because things aren't that simple in life. 

Maybe some might debate that love can't be weighted by how much you gave out and how much you should take back. We will never be happy if we continue to search for what happiness consists right?

All we need to do is to be thankful..

Try to understand, because all the pain that I am feeling, I can't look you in the eyes..
I love you always, but you've disappointed me..

I remember the times when I close my eyes and cry. I remember the times when I was down. You were always there to make me smile again. You alone are the real joy giver. I'm dull, but at least I know it.

Sometimes, I do wish you would really know how I feel deep inside.

I know what's best, and you will knew it someday..

p/s: I smile when you smile, sincerely. ♥

Friday, December 10, 2010

There's A Place For Us

* please listen to this song ._.
Have been noticing that people around me have found their happiness and someone to rely on.
Few days ago, my friend do received a home made sandwiches from a guy, how sweet.. and in a sudden, it reminds me about you again.. I remembered those lovely sandwiches you made for me during my foundation time. :))
Sometimes I do envy others, why are some were being treated so nicely and pampered.. It shows how ugly in me, jealousy kills..
We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere, somehow, someone perfect is searching for us too.
I live, I love, I laugh, I cry, I smile.
We should always love and appreciate those who treat us right and love us. Love the special one with your true heart and appreciate every single moment you both had together.

p/s: continue even when it is hard to go on, release even when it is hard to let go, endure even when it is hard to bear: this is how we build our character.

Monday, December 6, 2010





For this 3 current subjects.

If not, I'll just BBQ myself. 



p/s: with faith, we will have unlimited strength.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


It was awesome!

This story strike through my heart,
and the story line is wonderful and touching.
Surprisingly it could literally tells all the feelings that I wanted to,
for all these times..

So feel like leaning my head on his arms as usual, 
but I know I can't.. :(

To be honest, I hate watching this in the cinema..

Reason being is I hold my feelings so tightly,
yet keep telling myself that not to cry in front of him,
but failed..

There are sadness in her eyes,
and the feeling rushed through my heart and mind,
  it's hurt.. 

There are so many to tell but I just couldn't say it out,
and I choose to keep it to myself,
rather than hurting someone-else.

not knowing how to respond,
all I can do is to close my eyes and let my tears fall.

I love how he treated the princes and he's so adorable..
This is the quote I loved most in this movie:

A: I love you very much.
B: I love you more.
A: I love you most..

p/s: I know I can't expect much but to appreciate what I have in me now.. :)