Sunday, February 5, 2012

Plain and simple

I know it can be hard to please her sometimes, 
but it’s worth it in the end. 

She should be the first person you talk to in the morning, 
and the last person you whisper good night to. 

She’s going to be there for you when you’re the happiest, 
but more importantly when you’re at your lowest. 

She’ll cook for you and care for you, 
so treat her like a princess.

Think before you say,
think before you act. 

When you’re fighting, 
sometimes it’s better to put your relationship before your own pride.

  And never ever, under any condition, 
let her go to sleep crying. 
She’ll resent you for it for the rest of your days. 

Don’t forget to make her feel special everyday.
Open doors, go shopping with her. 

The more you show her you love her,
the more she’ll give you in return. 

Remember that an “I love you” via text is never as special as one in person.

And show her off to your bros, 
don’t be ashamed of her. 
She’s never been ashamed of your dorky ass. 

She doesn’t really need much in a relationship,
she just wants to feel like she matters to you.
Love her unconditionally, loyally, and keep her close. 
Love her with everything you’ve got: emotionally, mentally and physically.

Because I swear, 
if you won’t treat your girl right, 
someone else definitely will.


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