Sunday, August 14, 2011


I would like to reflect with you in each of the three terms used my Saint Paul

"Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith"

We can distinguish three images:
"planted" calls to mind a tree and the roots that feed it
"built up" refers to the construction of a house
"firm" indicates growth in physical or moral strength 

The first image is that of a tree which is firmly planted thanks to its roots
which keep it upright and give it nourishment
without those roots
it would be blown away by the wind and would die

What are our roots?
naturally our parents, families are very important elements of our personal identity

Christian faith is not only a matter of believing that certain things are true
but above all a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
It is an encounter with the Son of God that gives new energy to the whole of our existence

When we enter into a personal relationship with him
Christ reveals our true identity and in friendship with him
our life grows towards complete fulfilment

Just as the roots of a tree keep it firmly planted in the soil
so the foundations of a house give it long-lasting stability
Through faith
we have been built up in Jesus Christ
even as a house is built on its foundations

Sacred history provides many examples of saints who built up in Jesus Christ
means responding positively to God's call
trusting in him and putting his word into practice

Jesus himself reprimanded his disciples
"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord', and do not do what I tell you?"

He went on to use the image of building a house
"I will show you what someone is like who comes to me
listen to my words and acts on them
That one is like a person building a house
who dug deeply and laid the foundation on rock
when the flood came
the river burst against tht house but could not shake it 
because it had been well built

Build your own house on rock
just like the person who dug deeply
try each day to follow Christ's word

Listen to him as a true friend with whom you can share your path in life
with him at your side

you will find courage and hope to face difficulties and problems
and even to overcome disappointments and set-backs

You are constantly being offered easier choices
but you yourselves know that these are ultimately deceptive and cannot bring you serenity and joy
Only the word of God can show us the authentic way
and only the faith we have received is the light which shines on our path

Gratefully accept this spiritual gift which you have received from your families
strive to respond responsibly to God's call
and to grow in your faith

Do not believe those who tell you that you don't need others to build up your life
find support in the faith of those who are dear to you
in the faith of the Church
and thank the Lord that you have received in and have made in your own

p/s: but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

1 comment:

  1. :) Faith is all we need. in any religion. :) live up to the word.
