Sunday, December 25, 2011

guess he doesn't understand...

Maybe all I need is to be patience,
one day,
he will feel it.

I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Nobody said that it would be easy,
but I believe it would be worth it.


Merry Christmas bun

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to you, Aunt ♥

Guess what day is today besides X'mas Eve?
Yes, its my beloved aunty's birthday!

When I wished her Happy Birthday,
she asked me what is the date today,
guess she has forgotten about it.


The moment she tells me she's turning 65,
I cried.

Didn't noticed she's that old,
So sorry for neglecting things happened around me.

As we grew older,
we often forget that our parents are getting older as well.

I love her more than I can say,
may she blessed with joy, health and wealth.

Have a blessed birthday
Merry Christmas

Only an aunt,

can give hugs like a mother, 

can keep secrets like a sister, 

and share love like a friend.



Thursday, December 15, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011


If someone wants to be part of your life,
they will make an effort to be in it.

So don't bother reserving a space in your heart,
for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

When a girl loves you

No matter how many times you fuck up, 
no matter how big the mistake, 
she always finds a way to forgive you.

No matter what you did, 
no matter how stupid you acted, 
she finds it in her to work things out with you, 
to compromise and keep the two of you strong. 

That’s why women deserve more respect, 
they don’t give up on relationships like guys do. 

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Received my results on Wed,
its kinda disappointing anyway.

Uh-ohh well,
couldn't ask and expect for more,
reason being I don't even understand those questions,
how am I suppose to answer then?

Not to say I didn't study,
but the question they asked are really fuck up.
and this is the first time I couldn't answer in exams for the past 2 years in uni. 

Results dropped from 3.8 to 3.3.

I'll try my best for the following semester,
hope I won't screwed up everything, again -.-
all the best!



Monday, October 10, 2011


As usual I went shopping alone,
and these are the things that I've bought,

2 pairs of skirt from Padini each RM49.90
1 formal skirt from Nicole RM94
1 blouse from Nicole RM94
1 singlet from Padini RM19.90
1 liquid foundation from The Body Shop RM79
1 shoe from Sachs RM109.50
1 bra from Audrey RM49.90
1 nail polish and remover from Silky Girl RM17.80
& RM5 for fixing my watch

RM568.90 in total

I'm broke, but still I'm HAPPY :D WOOHOO!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


If you're just too free to stalk my profile,
for goodness sick spend some time with your boyfriend,
but not simply messaging and calling other guy baby, darling, handsome, honey
whatever! dannng it.
don't you feel disgusting?

I cherish beautiful people in life and only respect those who appreciates and respect others.
don't force me to remove you anyway.

cheers! :)

p/s: There's always gonna be that one girl that's prettier than you, but you've just gonna find that one guy that doesn't care.

Monday, October 3, 2011

If you were mine

To be honest with you,
I don't have the words to make you feel better.

But I do have the arms to give you a hug,
ears to listen to whatever you wanna talk about.

and I have a heart,
a heart that's aching to see you smile again.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Sometimes when I say "I'm okay",
I want someone to look me in the eyes,
hug me tight and say,

"I know you are not"

It's not the goodbye that hurts,
but the flashbacks that follow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let it go

老 人 对 他 的 孩 子 说 :“ 捉 紧 你 的 拳 头,告 诉 我 什 么 感 觉?”

孩 子 捉 紧 拳 头:“ 有 些 累!”

老 人:“ 试 着 再 用 些 力!”

孩 子:“ 更 累 了!有 些 喘 气!”

老 人:“ 那 你 就 放 开 它!”

孩 子 长 出 一 口 气:“ 轻 松 多 了!”

老 人:“ 当 你 感 到 累 的 时 候,你 捉 得 越 紧 就 越 累,放 了 它,就 能 释 然 许 多!”

多 简 单 的 道 理,放 手 才 轻 松!

p/s: 其 实 快 乐 很 简 单,拥 有 少 一 点 就 可 以 了 :)